Waterjet Works, It Really Does.
Philip R. Einsohn launched Dallas-based Waterjet Works in 1999, after careers in early childhood education and custom commercial furniture. He developed Waterjet Works into a unique business focusing on advancing waterjet design in education, health care, hospitality, commercial, residential and interior design, architecture, civic spaces, and public art.
Seeing the impact of waterjet design in educational spaces, Philip launched Curriculum in the CorridorsTM in 2005 to champion school pride and “learning on the go” through engaging waterjet design in hallways, cafeterias, libraries and other underutilized areas. In 2020, he introduced a new kind of puzzle to the games/toy market with waterjet cut PVC art puzzles by The Puzzled Co. His patent-pending puzzle design Puzzles for EverybodyTM features tactile clues for kids and adults with visual impairments. This led to a partnership with American Printing House that introduced tactile and Braille puzzles to the visually impaired education and health sectors.
Get to know Philip and learn why Waterjet Works: It Really Does by reading his book with more than twenty years of case studies and personal stories highlighting the impact and vast potential of Waterjet design. Buy the book.
Get in touch with Philip: philip@waterjetworks.com